Sadaqat Projects
All ProjectsProphet Muhammed (صلى الله عليه وسلم) has said: “Charity (Sadaqah) extinguishes sin, just as water extinguishes fire.” – (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 614)
Fixed a RO water filter system for an already existing unclean, unhealthy water supply
Completed Projects
Sadaqat Projects
Water Facilities

Dhul Hijjah Food Caravan
Completed Projects
Food and Dry Rations
Sadaqat Projects
Zakat Eligible Projects

Donated 1kg date bags worth Rs.750.00 this Ramadan
Completed Projects
Food and Dry Rations
Sadaqat Projects

Nutritious Meal Provided to a Group of Students from Moneragala who came to Colombo on an excursion
Completed Projects
Food and Dry Rations
Sadaqat Projects

Ninthavur Masjid Appeal to restore sound system to call out the Adhaan
Completed Projects
Masjid Maintenance
Sadaqat Projects

Funds raised to purchase 9 Fans and Wiring for School Classrooms – Bakinigahawela Muslim Central College Bibile Rs. 292062
Completed Projects
Sadaqat Projects