Donation Received to Build a roof for a widow in her IDDAH and her Orphan children – Rs.483450 (approx)

Project Information

Wings of Humanity Project47
Project TypeZakat Eligible
Funds Raised



PROJECT COST- Rs. 483,450/-

Shelter for Life Project
Providing a roof for a widow in her IDDAH and her Orphan children

This family lives in Matara
The breadwinner ….a father of 3 girls passed away….. 2 days before the eldest girl’s O level exam.

Their house is partly built…
A few have come forward to help….
Their idea is to complete the upstairs 1st floor and to give it on rent to bring in a small income during her iddah period for basic necessities…food.

The youngest is 2 years old

In Shaa Allah,
they hope to start the building of the house next week.
They won’t be waiting till the iddah period is over.
Her family will give the necessary support and security for the building process.

Your generous contributions will be an immense support to this widow and her orphan children to lessen the difficulties of basic food and daily needs.

We make dua that Allah accepts your deeds in this month of Zul- Hijjah and blesses you and your family with barakah in health and wealth.
