Slab and Flooring Constructed For Young Widow & 4 Very Small Orphan Kids – Total Cost Rs.1,500,000
Funds Raised
WINGS OF HUMANITY PROJECT 23* *ZAKATH ELIGIBLE * *PROJECT COST-* *1.5 million (15 lakhs) approximately.* The Prophet (saw) said, ‘The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this’, and he (saw) held his two fingers together to illustrate. [Bukhari] *BELOVED COMPANIONSHIP OF OUR PROPHET صلى الله عليه وسلم* Building a slab and lifting the flooring due to leaking roofs and floods for a Widow and her kids who are very small ORPHANS. This family is living in the Wellampitiya area. The family has 5 members. The widow is young but an arthritis patient who can hardly work. They have their own house which is of 1.5 perches which was left by her late husband, but haven’t been able to do anything beyond that, due to very little income they get. Being a patient she still tries to stitch clothes and earn some money. But it could hardly even feed her kids. She is finding it very difficult to live with her small kids when it rains as it is leaking and flooding too. Hence she needs support to build a slab and lift the floor a little higher so that she is safe when it floods. Your generous contributions will be an immense support to this widow to lessen the difficulties of shelter and safety. We make dua that Allah accepts our deeds on this blessed night of seeking Laylathul Qadr, GRANTS US THE BEAUTIFUL COMPANIONSHIP OF OUR BELOVED PROPHET صلى الله عليه وسلم, and blesses our and our family with barakah in health and wealth. امين