Building Bridges

Funds Raised

السلام عليكم ورحمة وبركاته

Dear Members,

We at *Wings of Humanity* have been working on small miscellaneous Sadaqathul Jaari’ah projects to earn the Pleasure of Allah (SWT) alone at Random times of the year.

الحمد لله ،
By the Grace of Allah(SWT),

The donations for the Building Bridges Project were collected by generous donors who have been supporting these projects right throughout.

الحمد لله ،
This was completed on the 27th of Ramadan and an ifthar was arranged at the masjid.

Lots of du’as were made for all the donors,
It is with your support and generosity that we are able to achieve this noble work.

May Allah (swt) accept this service from us solely seeking His Pleasure alone.

🤲May Almighty Allah ease our crossing of the bridge of Siraath on the Day of Judgment,
Allowing us to Enter Jannathul Firdouse al Alaa with Glory and Eternal Happiness.

امين. 🌸

Pls join our Instagram page for future updates of our Sadaqathul Jaari’ah projects,
Thus becoming of the Forerunners in Seeking the Face of Allah (swt).

Pls join WhatsApp group,

جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا

Zeenath Naushad