Wings of Humanity Food Caravan Drive - Ashoora Project* All Displaced People Living in Manathivu Area Beneficiary : Widows Date : 2023.07.29
The regular drives take place once every 2 months,
Thus allowing the donors to carry out this noble deed and remain steadfast on a constant basis.
How we do it:
– Needy families are identified.
– Project is opened according to the amount of donations collected and the number of packs received.
Approx cost-5000/- per pack
(Cost of one meal for 4-6 on a weekend for most of us, bi’idhnillah)
Donations accepted through Cash donations/ Bank transfers,
Ration packs will be bought.
Our exclusive account details will be sent to you when you make your pledge.
All proceedings and photos are shared on a closed whatsapp group with the donors .
May Allah the Almighty accept this from all of us sincerely and seeking His pleasure alone, and grant us His promised rewards.
امين 🌺
ربنا تقبل منا انك أنت السميع العظيم و تب علينا إنك أنت التواب الرحيم
امين يا رب العالمين.