Donate to Fund 2 Siblings who urgently need Bone Marrow Transplant

Project Information

Wings of Humanity Project250
Total Project CostRs.38,500,000
Requested FundsRs.7,500,000
Project TypeZakat Eligible
A huge amount has been funded but need a further Rs.7.5 million to completely fund this

‎السلام عليكم ورحمة وبركاته




Rs- 38.5 million (approx), as all estimates are given in USD.

Amount collected – 31 million.

BALANCE NEEDED- Rs. 7.5 million LKR (7,500,000/-)

The medication bills will be settled directly to the hospital by the WOH representatives.

The Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it: “Be! ـ and it is.”

(Surah Al-Baqarah (2:117)

Now 15 years and 10 years,
have been undergoing lifelong treatment of blood transfusion every month and other follow ups at the Peradeniya Teaching Hospital until now.

Both of them were diagnosed with Thalassemia Major within a few months of birth.

They have been having to undergo blood transfusions every 2-3 weeks.
Due to the this the children are now not in the state of further receiving this treatment.

To get them completely cured,
doctors recommended that bone marrow transplants for them, which can only be done when a patient is young, as a curative treatment.

This treatment is accessible at Mazumdar Shaw Centre, Bangalore, India at an estimated cost only.
USD 50,000 (approximately 18- 19 million Sri Lankan Rupees, per child).

All documents have been verified , followed up and re-checked and interviewed )

We further inform you that Mr. Mohammad Assam, works at his uncle’s grocery shop and he is unable to come up with this huge amount due to his financial situation.

Even a little amount can go a long way towards her treatment.

We ask Allah to facilitate this amount on this blessed day,
As this is a noble deed.

*In the Quran it is written “…whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.”*

*Lets begin-
‎بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
‎جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا

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