Donation received to Undergo a Life-Saving Heart Surgery of young 20 year old mother. Total project cost- Rs.1,300,000

Project Information

Funds Raised



PROJECT APPEAL – Rs. 1,300,000/-

MEDICAL ASSISTANCE HEART SURGERY- Urgent financial aid required for a 20 yrs. old mother of a 10 month baby .*

A young sister is diagnosed with a heart condition when she was expecting her first child .
Doctors have recommended urgent surgery in order to prevent the weak valve from rupturing .

She had to under go a C section inorder to deliver the baby .

The husband a moulavi , works in a shop .
The young family lives on a meager income .

Please contribute generously to the help save this young mother’s life .

May Allah SWT restore her to good health and grant her long life .

May HE SWT protect us from all such life threatening illnesses and grant us all Aafiya.
