Our 11th Phase of Food Caravan January 2023 – Muwodara Uyana, Ferguson Road, Colombo 15

Funds Raised

الحمد لله،
The distribution took place in two parts,
The first was done on the 28th January and the balance before the 4th of January 2023.
📍A total of 50 packs were distributed to handpicked families from Muwodara Uyana, Ferguson Road.
🤲We ask Allah Almighty to accept this from us and to put much barakah in our affairs.
امين. 🌸
ان شاء الله ،
Our next drive will be in the beginning of the March 2023.
This will be our *RAMADAN DRIVE*,
However, account is open for donations if anyone wants to remain steadfast upon charity.
ربنا تقبل منا انك انت السميع العليم و تب علينا انك انت التواب الرحيم.